Saturday, October 28, 2017

Why Your House is Always Cold and What You Can Do About It

Although a cooler home might be beneficial in the summer months, come winter you will find yourself cursing the change in weather and wondering why your house is so cold. Trying to ward off bitter temperatures in your own home can get you down, but you don’t have to live this way.

If your house feels cold at night, and you can’t warm up even with the central heating on, you need to start investigating why that is. Not only does it feel uncomfortable to live in a cold home, but your energy bill will also suffer.

Perhaps your house is particularly old, and there are problems with the structure, or maybe you live in a modern build, and it's a case of making small changes that will improve your home's efficiency. Whatever the reason, here are some of the most common explanations for a cold home and what you can do to combat them.

There are Cracks and Gaps in Your Windows and Walls

About a third of a home’s heat loss is due to cracks and holes in windows and walls, with most of that heat loss occurring at night. Although windows help to bring natural light into a home, they can also drastically reduce the temperature in your home if you’re not careful.

What can you do about it? If you spot cracks in your windows and you can’t afford to replace them, you can increase the temperature inside your home by sealing and plugging gaps. If you find cracks at the window edges, seal them with latex or silicone caulk. Urethane foam, which is available in pressurized cans, can be used to fill the gaps. You can also apply weather stripping around the doors to plug the gaps, which will help retain the heat inside your home. You will be able to lengthen the life of your windows by maintaining them adequately, all though this is not a long-term solution.

Your Windows Need Replacing

If you live in an old house with sash windows, it’s likely that they are letting in drafts and expelling warm air from your heaters. Single-glazed panes are also notorious for letting out heat, while stained glass windows are just as inefficient.

What can you do about it? The obvious solution to this problem is to replace your windows, but due to issues with planning permission or budget restraints, this isn’t always possible. If you can’t replace your windows, there are cheaper alternatives that can make your home warmer and more energy efficient, such as insulating film, draft strips, curtains and drapes. If your purse strings are tight, you could cover the windowpanes with cling film or foil to retain more heat.

If your windows are old and you know they need replacing, contact a local company that can give you a competitive quote. Local businesses tend to offer the best prices as they rely on customers in the area. If you live in San Diego, for example, search online for replacement windows in San Diego and contact a local company.

Your Heaters Aren’t Working Efficiently

If you’re still shivering when the heating is turned on, the problem could be with your heating system rather than the structure of your home. Ineffective heating is easy to fix, however, so don’t be dismayed if this does turn out to be the issue. If you live in a rented property, it is your landlord’s responsibility to make sure the heating works, but if you own your home, you need to identify the route of the problem, and seek professional advice if needed.

What can you do about it? First, you need to check the heating system for each room. Check that your heat register is open, or you may have purposefully closed it as you don’t want to heat an unused room, make sure that the return air duct is sealed too. You could unintentionally be increasing the cold air infiltration to the room, and cost you more than you thought that you were saving. You also need to consider the impact on your furnace from closing off too many rooms in an effort to keep the rest of the house warm. It will be working overtime to try and distribute the heat. A closed heat vent can also mean that the return air duct sucks in the cold air from outside through ineffective windows or from under doors; or if the ducts haven’t been sealed properly the extra pressure from the closed off vents can force as much as 15% of heat into basements or floor cavities. It is best to seek advice from a local HVAC contractor because the modern systems are typically finely balanced.

There Are Multiple Small Drafts In Your Home

If your home feels drafty and cold, it’s a good idea to look out for small areas where cold air can get through, such as through letterplates and under doors. It may not seem like much, but those areas can let in drafts and reduce the overall temperature of your home, even when you’ve got the heating on.

What can you do about it? You will need to identify these weak spots in your home and target them one by one. Many people use draft excluders for their doors and seal their windows to prevent heat leaving the building. If you have a letterplate, you should replace it with one that has an internal draft excluder as these can allow a lot of heat to escape from your home.

If your house is poorly insulated, you could cover your entire door and the surrounding wall with a door curtain, which will dramatically reduce the heat loss.

Your Furniture Is In The Wrong Place

As well as making structural changes and checking your furnace is working properly, it’s important to address the location of the furniture in your home. Many people make the mistake of situating chairs, sofas and beds near windows because they enjoy the views, without realizing they would be a lot warmer if they sat somewhere else.

What can you do about it? If you want to maximize the energy efficiency of your home, you’ll need to get smart about where to put your furniture. Position chairs closer to the center of a room or beside an internal wall so that you feel warmer when sitting. If your desk is up against an external wall and you don’t want to move it, you could consider using a thick sheet or tapestry to cover the wall, or else you could insulate it using a cardboard alternative.

Consider investing in a fabulous screen to shield yourself from the drafts. There’s a reason why these were so popular with our ancestors, and that’s because they didn’t have efficient heating systems - not just because they were fashionable. For maximum effect, use it between you and the draught, and not between you and your heat source.

Your Floors Aren’t Insulated
If it isn’t properly insulated, your floor could be to blame for 10% of the heat loss from your home, especially if you have wooden floors rather than carpet. The tiled floors in your kitchen and bathroom can also cause heat loss, not to mention it feels cold on your feet.

What can you do about it? If your budget extends to an underfloor heating system or floor insulation, these are the most efficient options for retaining heat in your home. However, if you rent your home or you cannot afford the expense of having your floor insulated or putting down a carpet, there are numerous cheaper options you can try.

Rugs are efficient at retaining the heat in your home, plus they look great on wooden floors and will be more comfortable on your feet. You might also want to check for gaps in your floorboards and skirting boards, as these can be responsible for letting out a lot of heat. You can use a silicone-based filler to plug the gaps.

Your Roof Is the Problem
If you’ve tried all of the above to no avail, then your roof could be the culprit. A poorly insulated roof can account for a quarter of all heat loss in a home, and if your building pre-dates 1995, you’re likely to need an upgrade.

What can you do about it? Consider an insulation solution for your roof or attic, and don’t scrimp in this area. Instead of trying to fix the problem yourself, call out an expert to do a proper inspection and suggest the best solution for your home. Different types of roof require different insulation materials and techniques, so it’s a good idea to get professional advice before making any changes.

Get to the Root of the Problem
No matter how good your heating system is, if there are gaps, cracks or structural problems in your home, you will lose most of this heat and spend the winter trying to warm your home. You may need to do a full investigation to identify the source of the problem, but once you know where you’re losing heat, there are various steps you can take to improve your home’s efficiency.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Number One Thing That People Look For In A New House

Everybody has different priorities when they’re moving house. Some people are just looking for more space while others want a better neighborhood or to be closer to shops. Have you ever wondered how close your list of must-haves is to everybody else? These are the things that most people look for first when choosing a new house.

Being Close To Family

Being close to family is fairly high on people’s list of priorities but not as high as you might think. Moving somewhere close to where they already are is a plus for some people because they can use local movers and they’ve got family and friends nearby to help them out with the move. A lot of the time it depends on your family dynamic, some families are closer than others so it’ll be more of a consideration for them. However, it doesn’t affect people’s decision nearly as much as the rest of these factors.

Strong Broadband Signal

It’s no surprise that a good broadband signal is a deal breaker for a lot of people. Working from home is becoming more popular so people need to have a good internet connection for that, but more generally, everybody uses it for streaming TV shows and movies or reading the news or whatever else. When you’ve got a reliance on multiple devices connected to the internet, a bad signal is going to cause you some trouble. That’s why around 10 percent of people say that strong broadband signal is one of the most important things.

Close To Shops

Being near to shops and other amenities is important to a lot of people, but it’s still surprisingly low. Only 15 percent of people say that it’s near the top of the list and they would actually pay around $10,110 more for a house that’s closer. The rest of the people surveyed said that they wouldn’t. Perhaps it’s because of an increase in online shopping or maybe people just don’t mind driving a bit if they can pay less for the house.

A Good Garden 

Around 12 percent of people said that having a decent garden was the most important thing that they look for in a house. More importantly, they want a south facing garden so they get a good amount of sun. That was actually more important than the size of the garden to most people which makes sense I suppose, there’s no point having a big garden if it isn’t getting that much sun. 17 percent of people said that being near a park or green space was a priority if they couldn’t get a good garden.

Being Close To Work

Top of the list is being close to work, around a third of people said that’s the main thing that they’re looking for when deciding on a new house. Just under a third also cited access to public transport as a priority so it appears that getting to and from their job is the most important thing in people’s lives.

Also featuring highly on the list was proximity to good schools and having a good parking space.

How to inject some style into your bedroom

When it comes to creating a modern and practical sleeping space, you don’t need to spend a fortune on following the latest trend or an over the top color scheme. Remember that primarily your bedroom is a place to relax and unwind in, not to mention that you use it for sleeping, so make sure that the space reflects your personality and makes you feel comfortable. If you get this balance right, you will be rewarded with a room that is both modern and minimalistic. So if you are looking for inspiration, or are unsure to know where is a good place to start, then check out these tips to find out how to inject some much-needed style into one of the most important rooms of the house.

Simple elegance

When it comes to your bedroom, forget fancy wallpaper; all you need is few coats of a neutral color paint to give your room a simple and modern look and feel. You want to keep your bedroom light and fresh, and it should be both welcoming and airy for yourself and your partner. Neutral paints are an ideal choice for homeowners who are looking to create a space that is both modern yet inviting. From pale grays or cream tones, use these colors sparingly to create a look that is both relaxing and effortlessly chic.

Complementary accessories

Unlike in other rooms of your house or apartment, your bedroom should be kept free from clutter and unnecessary accessories – as this can create a sense of misbalance. You may also want to consider the furniture that you have in your bedroom currently – are you sleeping well? Does it provide your back with adequate support? If you are looking to replace your old bedroom furniture for a more contemporary look and feel, Modern Digs bedroom suites offer a range of elegant and practical options for your boudoir. You should also limit the amount of gadgets in technology that is on show in your room too – as this can disrupt sleep patterns. Once you have sorted these principal elements, now’s the time to consider adding a few complementary accessories such as candles, soft throws and a few scattered cushions to provide an element of luxury to your space. Now you can lie back, relax and enjoy your stylish and comfortable room.


Last but not least, it’s essential that you have the right lighting in your bedroom. Soft, subtle tones will make your room a space in which you want to unwind and spend time hidden away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, while harsh lighting or using a light bulb that is too dark will make your space feel threatening and unwelcoming. Consider changing your overhead bulbs for an energy saving option, and choose lamps that offer warmer shades of light.

Making a few small changes to your color scheme, lighting and accessories can inject some much-needed style and elegance into one of the most important rooms of your house. So why not give your bedroom a much-needed makeover?

Monday, October 23, 2017

4 Tips for Anyone Looking to Invest in Property

Buying property of your own is a big undertaking. You have to be in the right place in your life and have the money to invest. There are a lot of options out there, which makes it an overwhelming process for some people.

Take your time and don’t jump into any rash decisions. Rushing a deal may leave you with regrets down the road. Don’t let your excitement get in the way of analyzing the details and crunching the numbers. Be smart and get help from experts or those who’ve been through the process before. See these tips for anyone looking to invest in property.

Do Your Homework

It’s important to study what’s out there and have an idea of the market before moving forward on a purchase. Take advantage of resources and scour websites for answers. Search 1031 exchange properties for sale and use the website to view property details and pricing. This will give you a better idea of what you can afford. They can provide you with access to national contacts that they’ve vetted throughout the industry and with some of the largest buyers of commercial real estate in the country.

Find the Right Location

Consider location when you’re searching for an ideal property. Don’t let a low price draw you in and forget that you care about where it’s located. You want to get a prime spot that’s going to be easy to fill with tenants or rent out for a retail store. A neighborhood with low crime rates and low property taxes is ideal. Think about if you want your structure in an up-and-coming neighborhood that has good restaurants and schools. Don’t guess, but research and find specific answers to your concerns.

Fix It Up

If you purchase a building that’s rundown or unattractive, you’re going to want to spruce it up with appealing designs and décor. Hire a contractor and interior designer to help you if you aren’t skilled in those areas. You want your building to be viewed as striking and clean. Think about how much work you’re going to have to put into it before finalizing the paperwork. If you’re handy, that helps lower costs, but if you’re going to have to hire a bunch of people to help you, then make sure you budget for these expenses.

Fill the Space

Once you’ve made the purchase, decide how you’re going to fill the space. Consider if you’ll rent it out and what kind of business you’ll do. Keep up with maintenance to save yourself big headaches down the road. Avoid tenant turnover by keeping them happy so they enjoy renting from you. Have strict procedures in place to screen tenants and weed out the less reliable ones. Hire a property manager to help you with certain duties and pay your taxes on time.


The bottom line is to keep your expectations realistic and head on straight. If you’re not ready to make your first purchase, then work with a trusted partner who can guide you. These are tips for anyone looking to invest in property.

What Your Home Is Missing

Your home is special to you and you take pride in the effort you put in each day. It’s likely that you work really hard to upkeep it and make it look nice because you care. That doesn’t mean you’re perfect, because no one is.

There are a few aspects that your home should have to bring it to another level. Don’t be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone and adapt changes that’ll spruce up your house even more. You may not even know what’s missing because you haven’t done enough research to see what other homeowners are installing and improving upon. See what your home is missing.


Spice up your space by adding color to your home, both inside and outside. Color will liven up your home and instantly catch your eye when you enter the house. It’s the same challenge you find when trying to build a wardrobe that isn’t all black and white. Hang colorful paintings, place pillows and paint your walls. Don’t be afraid to have the room come alive and express character to the observer. Take inventory on each of your rooms and make note of where it’s possible to include more color.

Look of Luxury

Luxury is a sense of style, it doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune. Be mindful of the colors and textures you use to make your home look more expensive. Purchase light fixtures and furniture that resemble pricy items. It’s all about your presentation and how you decorate your home. Hang your curtains high, throw down area rugs and switch out lamp shades. Use matching containers for storage and replace old hardware. Get creative and shop around, instead of breaking the bank with expensive items that you don’t need.

Swimming Pool

What you’re missing is a swimming pool. Search around to buy florida homes, because they probably come with a pool. Houses in warmer climates get more use out of a swimming pool and you’ll probably enjoy living in warmer temperatures. If you’re not ready to move, then install a swimming pool in your backyard. It’ll be fun to have when you’re entertaining or wanting to cool off on hot summer day. Take care of it and learn how to properly clean your pool to keep it looking nice and brand new.

Kitchen & Bath Updates

If you have old bathrooms and an old kitchen, it’s time to enhance their appearance with upgrades. Updating your kitchen and baths isn’t only nice for your sake, but will help you sell your home faster once you have it on the market. These are projects that’ll give you a return on your investment and make the time and money spent well worth it. Do your research and find examples of homes that resemble the look you’re going for, so you can show your designer.


Your job’s never done when decorating a house. You’re always changing, updating and rearranging to make it look right. This is what your home is missing.

How to Replace Old Tiles in Your Home

Tiles can be one of the most durable kinds of flooring. They last for years and are easy to clean. But if you find yourself at the point that the tiling in your home could use a facelift, luckily replacing them is simple enough that you can do it on your own. So whether you’re looking to replace a beat-up floor, change the pattern, or just want to try new flooring, we’ve put together an easy step-by-step guide to get you on the right track.

Tools and Materials

Before you get started tearing up your floor, it is important to make sure that you have all the necessary tools to complete the task. Doing this will ensure that you don’t get halfway through and then realize you have to run to the store to pick up more materials. You are going to want:

- A scoring tool          
- Tile spacers
- Grout saw
- Metal straightedge
- Level
- Hammer
- Trowel
- Grout bag
- Grout
- Safety glasses
- Mortar
- Tile clippers

Finally, you need the ceramic tiles you will be laying. If you are covering a large area, it is a good idea to look into purchasing wholesale tiles. It might be the best value for your project. Once you have all the necessary materials, you can finally begin.

Replacing Your Tile Flooring

Step 1: Clearing the Room 
Make sure that you empty the room of any furniture that might get in the way of your project. This also includes lamps and even shelves on the walls that restrict your movement. If you're going to be working around a sink or toilet, the water to your house should be turned off before removing these fixtures.

Step 2: Removing Tiles
Once it’s cleared, you can start tearing up the tiles. This is the easy part of the job. If none are broken lightly hit one with a hammer by a wall to start lifting them. Be careful of any sharp edges.

Step 3: Prepping the Underlayment
Once all the tiles are off the floor and disposed of, it’s time to access the underlayment. This is a sheet of plywood that is commonly placed underneath tiling. Occasionally tiles are attached directly to a concrete floor, but this is rare. If the underlayment is damaged it needs to be replaced before continuing on. If it is in good condition, it’s time to clear off any debris. Sweep thoroughly for dirt and small tile pieces. You also should remove any extra nails that you come across.

Step 4: Prepping for the Tiles
Once you're sure that the floor is in good condition, mix thin set mortar in a bucket to the recommendations of the brand. Create reference points before spreading the mortar with the thin side of the trowel in 3ft x 3ft patches. Then comb the mortar with the toothed side of the trowel to ensure an even application. Any excess can be removed and re-added to the bucket.

Step 5: Laying the Tiles
Use your references when lying the first tile, often along a wall or in the corner of the room is best. Pressing the tiles and gently twisting them ensure the best set. Place a tile spacer at the edges of the first tile and lay the second one next to it. Continue on like this. Upon finishing a section use a level and rubber mallet to level the tiles.

Step 6: Continuing 
Gently remove any excess mortar you find. Make adjustments as you go to ensure that the tiles are straight.

Step 7: Cutting Tiles
In tight corners or rooms that are not true rectangles, it will be necessary to cut tiles to make them fit. It these cases make a mark of the line on the tile and then make a relief cut along that line. Break off the pieces with tile clippers before smoothing down the edges with aluminium sandpaper. At this point, you lay the tiles just like the rest.

Step 8: Filling the spaces
Once all the tiles are down, let it sit undisturbed for 24 hours. After this time has elapsed you can mix the grout according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Remove the tile spacers before applying the grout in the spaces between the tiles. Remove as much excess as possible and then let it dry for 20 minutes. At this point you can use a sponge to clean the grout off of the tiles. It takes around 72 hours for the grout to be fully set. After three weeks you can also seal it for more protection.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Feeling fall

 I am slowly letting go of my summer house and  all its leisurely pursuits including art.  This piece found a new  home in Montreal.  I was sad to see it go.  It reminds me of a bird in flight in fall.

Margaret Ryall 2016 Composition in Time #22

 I had a holiday in New York that left me wanting more of those leisurely pursuits on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, and when I came home fall was suddenly in the air. Before I could even make a list  of all the things that needed doing in my St. John's house, Thanksgiving was looming and I had to add a little fall colour.

Thankfully nature helped outside.  I had a lovely display of colour in my planter and could even visually "claim" the maple tree across the street.

 My one proactive  fall decor effort before my trip was a flop. My pot of fall flowers had to be laid to rest when I got back.  A frantic trip to the storage room yielded a  generous supply  of fake fall foliage and an old wreath that has been called to work many times.  Other years when I am less rushed I use natural materials in my outdoor arrangements.  

My art collection never lets me down and fall colours abound for some reason.  Like this lovely mixed media piece by Newfoundland artist Anita Singh who is represented by The Leyton Gallery.  Can you find the hiding moth and the bronze cones?

 And this piece by Newfoundland artist Mike Gough that definitely evokes thoughts of the landscape in fall.

From day to day I move objects around just to keep things interesting.

And then there's my antler that gets called upon for many jobs.  Sometimes on the table ...

sometimes on the floor.... 

And a plant never goes astray in a house. My little crystal bird always seems to be right for the season.

As you can see, I don't put much effort in to my seasonal decor.  How about you?

Analyzing The Enormous Perks Of House Plans

Have you come to the realization that it is time to purchase a brand-new house? There is no doubt that buying a home is a dream that the mass majority of consumers share. Once you’ve finally managed to scrape together enough money for a down payment, there is a good chance that you’ll be eager to run right out and make the purchase. You should consider taking an alternative route and having a house built for you utilizing pre configured plans. Within this in-depth guide, you will learn about the enormous benefits of plans for homes.

Totally Unique

First and foremost, you should realize that buying a pre-existing home will usually restrict your options. You will have far less customization freedom and you’ll be required to stick with the existing layout. If you’re buying a home in a subdivision, you’ll probably have access to three or four layouts. If you are unable to find something that you like, you’ll be forced to compromise. This is one of the major benefits of buying your own plan and having your house built from scratch.

If you take this route, you can rest assured knowing that your house is totally unique and original.

More Freedom

While you’re at it, you should realize that house plans will give you so much more freedom. If there is something that you do not like, you’ll always have the option of making a change. This is something that will not be possible with a house that has already been constructed. By scouring through the plans available, you should have little to no trouble finding something that you like. There is also a chance that you’ll be able to get the plan tweaked a little to better suit your unique needs.

If you want the freedom to pick and choose, you will definitely want to consider sticking with plans!

Saves Time

If you’re willing to purchase pre-drawn small house plans, you’ll be able to save yourself a significant amount of time and energy. If you attempt to sit down and work with an architect one-on-one, you’re going to spend a lot of time getting exactly what you want. This can be a major hassle and the time spent with the architect is time that is wasted. With this in mind, you should definitely consider purchasing a pre-drawn plan. This will allow you to skip ahead and get the house’s construction started as quickly as humanly possible.

The Choice Is Entirely Yours

When it comes down to it, purchasing a home that has already been built is great, but really restricting. Wouldn’t you like to maintain more control over the decisions that you’re about to make? If you answered yes to this question, you’ll definitely want to purchase plans. By taking this route, you’ll be able to remain in complete control. You’ll be able to make all of the choices ahead of time. This will ensure that you get exactly what you want and you’ll know exactly what you’re going to get in advance!

Higher Value

Two great benefits of utilizing customized house plans is they are unique and will make your home value higher. Unlike traditional house plans that have probably been replicated over and over again, customized house plans mean that your home will be one of a kind. Once the construction is complete, the home will capture the eye of every passerby, whether they are walking, jogging or driving.

The uniqueness of your home will make it far more alluring for potential home buyers. In return, this will ensure that it flies off of the market much quicker. Simultaneously, there is a good chance that its uniqueness will make it worth a great deal more!

Cost Effectiveness

When you utilize readymade house plans, you will save money, since there will be no need to hire an architect or designer. The plans are laid out in a manner that any developer can interpret. All of the details are included in the plans, so you can get an idea of what your home will look like, when the construction is complete. Just the mere fact that an architect is not required for your home building project, will mean that you could possibly reduce the overall expenses by thousands of dollars.

Why it Pays to Take Your Time When Looking For Your Dream Home

Humans are impatient – it’s in our nature. While we might spend our daily lives rushing around from A to B, house hunting, on the other hand, requires time and patience. The real estate market is incredibly difficult to navigate, especially for first time buyers or investors. Fluctuating prices, a quick turnover and even lack of offers or availability in some markets, can all have a big influence if you are on the lookout for your dream home. However, if you are already on the property ladder, or just setting out – then don’t despair. Your ideal property will be waiting for you. Read on to find out why it pays to take your time when looking for your dream home.

The waiting game

Yes, you might be anxious to find your ideal property tomorrow, but when it comes to real estate, it pays off to view various options and consider your offer. If you are interested in a house or apartment in a more popular area for example, then you will have less scope to lower your initial offer – setting yourself up for disappointment if you are on a tight budget. It’s worth taking your time and checking out what you can afford, even if it’s a few miles away from your chosen location. Often these areas will hide hidden gems, or properties with a whole lot of potential, meaning you can use that extra cash to invest and improve over the long term. So while you might be anxious to sign on the first property that you view, take a step back and view other alternatives in the area.

Research the Real Estate market

Understanding and making effective use of the US real estate market can be tough. When browsing for your dream property, you want to make sure that you choose an agent that not only has a wide range of properties on offer in their portfolio, but also offers service and quality to you as a potential buyer. Agencies such as Great Blue Real Estate Marketing Systems offer a competitive market analysis and a range of properties to choose from, meaning you have more choice if you are buying or selling your current home. It’s all too easy to feel pressurized and get swept up in the moment, when waiting a few days could have seen a cheaper alternative come onto the market. So don’t let agents force your hand and do stand your ground if you feel like waiting a bit longer is the ideal for you and your family.

Whether you are looking to relocate or only move a few miles down the road, be sure to take your time when viewing potential new properties. Remember why you are moving in the first instance and don’t feel that you have to purchase the first house that you view. More haste and less speed are key when navigating the property market, so take your time. Your ideal home will be out there waiting for you.

Making Your Home Ready for Your Retirement

As you approach your retirement, you will be thinking about all those things that you want to do. Maybe go fishing more often, or start going out to social clubs. These things are vital to keeping your mind and body active once you retire, however, you will also need to think about making your home easy to use and navigate for when you get older. Here are a few ideas to help you prepare your home for your retirement.

What Are the Challenges?

Firstly, you need to decide if you are staying where you are. If you are thinking about selling up and buying somewhere else, then you should check out sites such as Homes In Meridian before you move to see what houses are available. In your current home, take a look around your home and see where you might be able to improve the access for the future. If there becomes the need for a wheelchair, can you access the house? By adding ramps and making doorways wider, you can make your home more accessible. Plus, if you start to do these things now, you won’t have to wait for them to be done when you need them.

Adding Rails

If you are starting to struggle with walking, then adding bars that you can hold onto are extremely useful. By adding a few beforehand, you are helping to keep your home accessible and safe for you and your partner. The best places to add bars is in the bathroom by the toilet and bath, upstairs if there is none there already, and outside by the front and rear doors.

Making Your Shower Safe

If you currently have a bath, then you might want to consider changing it for a shower or a tub that you can sit in. These showers and tubs are far safer for those with movement problems, and they prevent falls and slipping. If possible, you should have a walk-in shower, as they provide the best safety as there is no ledge to walk over. By adding rails and putting down a tiled floor that has a gripped surface, you can minimize slipping and also make showering much easier.

Adjusting the Toilets

As people get older, they may start to have issues sitting and standing from the toilet, one way that you can help with this, is to have a taller toilet fitted. They raise the height so that you don’t have to sit so low down. If you also add grab bars to the walls at the side of the toilet, you will make sitting and standing much easier. Adding taller toilets isn’t a big job, and you can easily get someone to fit them for you. They are usually available at most hardware stores.

By thinking of these things in advance, you are helping to make your retirement easier and planning for the future. It will also help you if you suffer an injury, so you are not struggling while you recover.

5 Ways to Create a Focal Point in the Home

Do you want to create a beautiful home that will impress your guests? If so, you will need to incorporate striking items into your décor. To help you find the perfect objects for your interior design, we are providing the five ways to create a focal point in the home.

1. A Graphic Rug

Have you decorated your home in neutral colors? Add a little color and personality to your décor with a bold graphic rug, which will complement your color scheme. Pick a block color that will tie in with your palette while grabbing your guests’ attention.

2. An Exquisite Chandelier

A traditional or contemporary chandelier can add a touch of refinement to a room. You can trust it will capture your guests’ eyes from the moment they step inside a living space. Glass elements within a chandelier can also beautifully complement the light, so it is a delicate, romantic light fitting that will suit almost any color scheme and theme.

3. Statement Accessories

Strike up a conversation by incorporating statement accessories into your home. For example, a quirky sculpture will add a little curiosity into your home’s design. A one-of-a-kind rock salt lamp will also add a little natural beauty to your property, which will become a conversation starter.

4. Layer Your Interior

Have you noticed how a beautiful scarf can add a touch of sophistication to a t-shirt and jeans? Well, the same rule can apply to your interior design, too. Adding layers to your property can add a splash of sophistication to your décor, which will stand out in its own right. For example, a luxury rug can create a cozy, plush home style, whilst a soft throw can create an inviting space you will be proud to call your home. Simply pick a color or pattern that will stand apart from your furniture and fittings.

5. Perfectly Position a Large Storage Item

Large storage doesn’t have to be solely functional. The right item can become a beautiful focal point within the home. For example, a large armoire can become the central point in a room. Arrange the seating on either side of the large piece of furniture to add instant balance, and flank the furniture with identical artwork to add symmetry into a living area.

6. Any Eye-Catching Mural

Allow a photo to do all the hard work by incorporating an eye-catching mural into your interior design. To do so, create a feature wall with an oversized image, as it can add style and drama to a space. Simply pick an image that highlights both your personality and interior style.

7. A Striking Mirror

Do you want to add a little wow factor to your home? All it might take is a striking mirror, which will make a statement in any room. Not only that, but it can reflect both natural and artificial light, while emphasizing space within the room. Select a quirky design that will contrast with your décor, so you can add a little fun and texture to your property.

Creating Your Dream Home in Four Easy Steps

Making a home is one of life’s greatest pursuits. Your home is, after all, your sanctuary. It is where you go to when you need to escape, it is where you relax, it is where you and your family grow. Being committed to making your house into the home of your dreams is a perfect endeavor for everyone. Making your house your dream home is how you can carve out your own piece of the world.

1. Find the Perfect House

The first step to creating your dream home is to find your dream house. When choosing your house, you will need to make sure that it is structurally sound, in a neighborhood you like, and has the space you need. Don’t limit yourself to where you grew up, either. There are so many neighborhoods, cities, and even states that you can make your home in. Miami, for instance, has the sun, the beaches, and the community life that is perfect for everyone – all that is left is finding the house you can build a life in. Once you have found it, you will need to contact credit union mortgage loans. Once the deed is signed over, you can start building your new house into your dream home.

2. Cosmetic Upgrades

The ideal house is one that doesn’t require extensive renovation, and as such only needs a few cosmetic upgrades. This means making the flooring, walls, lighting and other fixtures work for you and your style. Consider these aspects of your home as the canvas. Furniture and decorations are the focus, yes, but having a uniform look for the walls, floors, and fixtures can make your entire home feel cohesive.

3. Decorate

Once you have your canvas set, it is time to decorate. A good way to decorate so that your home is eclectic, unique, and perfect for you is to only buy the base furniture at once. Base furniture are the bare bones needed for comfort. It means buying the beds, the couches, and the dressers, but leaving smaller decorative furnishings for later. The more patience you have for finding the perfect pieces, the better your home will look. As a bonus, each one of the smaller, more decorative pieces will come with beautiful and cherished memories.

4. Landscape

A mistake when creating your dream home is to neglect the exterior. Curb appeal is the pride and joy a person has in their home, reflected for their neighbors to see. The backyard, however, is your own private oasis. Plan your garden out so that it fits you. This could mean a vegetable garden, or a flower garden, or even no plants at all, but a lovely porch with outdoor furnishings.

Creating your dream home means taking the time, effort, and energy to decorate it. It means creating memories inside the home and filling the building with life and warmth. Your home is your lifelong project, take pride and care when you curate it.

Reclaim Your Outdoor Space This Winter

When the weather turns colder, our natural response is to hunker down and hibernate, and all too often our gardens get neglected. We spend so much time and money creating the perfect space for spring and summer, that when autumn rolls around it can feel like our efforts have been wasted.

However, falling leaves and bare branches can be just as beautiful as a lush green lawn, so there is much enjoyment to be had outdoors during this colder season. So don’t let the mulch of wet leaves and the blustery winds keep you indoors. Instead, embrace the change of the weather and make the most of your outside space. Here are five ways you can reclaim your garden this season.

Add Attractive Features

Most people give their gardens a makeover in the spring, but why wait until then? Invest in some overalls to keep you warm, and get to work. Creating an inviting outdoor space will encourage you to spend more time out there on crisp, sunny days. Plus, come summer, all the hard work will already be done, and your plants can thrive. Consider adding some fence panels to shelter your outdoor area from the harsher weather, and to give the space a more finished look. Garden Trellis Company creates bespoke joinery and also offers a range of premade panels.

Help Wildlife

Instead of pruning your garden, use your space to help wildlife this winter. Rather than cutting back your unruly and bushes and collecting stray logs, allow them to provide cover for hibernating hedgehogs and other creatures. Similarly, a compost heap is the ideal habitat for toads, slowworms, and even grass snakes, so resist the urge to tidy up and embrace the mess.

Get Warm

Winters can turn wet and miserable, but temperatures in recent years have still been relatively mild. Throughout the autumn months, sunny days should create a warm enough garden to spend time in, but what about the evenings? Sharing a glass of wine or a steaming mug of hot chocolate outdoors makes for the perfect night, so don’t let the cold deter you. Treat yourself to a patio heater or fire pit, grab some blankets, and enjoy a cozy garden all year round.

Add a Covered Seat

Adding a covered seat to your garden will provide a great relaxation space all year round. During fall and winter, you can retreat to your chair and watch the rain fall without getting wet, and come summer you will have a shady reading spot. For added comfort, invest in a seat pad and some outdoor cushions.

Plant Winter Flowers

The best way to keep your garden looking cheery this season is by adding winter plants that will thrive even in cooler temperatures. The Algerian iris, for example, flowers between November and March, whereas the 17 Narcissus (a tiny, sun-loving daffodil) will bloom just in time for Christmas. If you’re worried about keeping plants alive in a harsh climate, or you don’t have space for planting beds or pots, invest in some artificial greenery to give your garden or courtyard an aesthetic boost.